
CropLife America: States’ decisions on dicamba premature

CropLife America: States’ decisions on dicamba premature

CropLife America issued comments on dicamba decision as following: Over the last couple weeks, both Missouri and Arkansas state g...

 2017/07/15 14:56:07
DuPont, Syngenta announce publication of a new joint patent for herbicide development

DuPont, Syngenta announce publication of a new joint patent for herbicide development

DuPont Crop Protection (DuPont) and Syngenta announced the publication of a joint patent, focused on the development of a new herb...

 2017/01/04 13:20:59
CNAC has acquired 100% stake in ADAMA directly and plans to transfer it to Sanonda

CNAC has acquired 100% stake in ADAMA directly and plans to transfer it to Sanonda

By Think Real - According to the announcement published by Hubei Sanonda Co., Ltd. (Sanonda) in Nov. 2016, China National Agrochem...

 2016/12/23 13:37:17
Top Brazilian agrochem firms 2015: Fall in sales and market share more centralized to top 10 companies

Top Brazilian agrochem firms 2015: Fall in sales and market share more centralized to top 10 companies

Official data from the Brazilian National Union of Crop Protection Products Industry (Sindiveg) has confirmed that there was a si...

 2016/12/14 11:54:20
4th China Pesticide Export Analysis Workshop to focus on Southeast Asian market

4th China Pesticide Export Analysis Workshop to focus on Southeast Asian market

The 4th China Pesticide Export Analysis Workshop, co-sponsored by AgroPages and China Association of Pesticide Development and App...

 2016/12/01 08:51:47
Argentina is a global leader in agricultural biotechnology

Argentina is a global leader in agricultural biotechnology

The National Commission on Biotechnology (Conabia) from Argentina approved two new transgenic events in soy and corn this week. Co...

 2016/11/12 08:48:20
Biotechnology can generate US$ 66 billion for Brazil in the next 10 years

Biotechnology can generate US$ 66 billion for Brazil in the next 10 years

Biotechnology can generate economic earnings of US$ 66 billion in the next 10 years, according to Paula Carneiro, director of Céle...

 2016/11/04 08:27:41
China exports 74,516 tonnes of glyphosate in June 2016, growing by 20.1% year on year

China exports 74,516 tonnes of glyphosate in June 2016, growing by 20.1% year on year

By Think Real - According to statistics by Think Real, in June 2016, China exported 74,516 tonnes of glyphosate , growing by 20.1%...

 2016/10/31 09:43:56
BASF’s Agricultural Solutions sales down 3% in Q3 2016

BASF’s Agricultural Solutions sales down 3% in Q3 2016

Sales of BASF’s Agricultural Solutions segment declined by 3% year-on-year to €1,049 million in the third quarter of 2016. Positiv...

 2016/10/31 09:32:52
EU and US consumers call for regulation and labelling of products derived from new GM techniques

EU and US consumers call for regulation and labelling of products derived from new GM techniques

Today, Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) published a new resolution on consumer concerns about new genetic engineering techn...

 2016/09/12 17:01:57